July 28, 2021
Yoda: Thank you for coming, young Padawan. Why are you here?
Padawan: I have come to learn the ways of the Force, and the Analytics.
Yoda: You have come to the right place. What are your questions?
Padawan: If I have a pitcher tiring after 7, who has thrown more pitches than he has in months, should I get relievers warmed up?
Yoda: Yes. The Force does not tell the future. Have a lefty and a righty warmed up.
Padawan: If I fail to have anybody properly warmed up, should I bring in a reliever who is pitching in back to back days and is recovering from a virus released upon mankind?
Yoda: I don’t have a good feeling about this.
Padawan: If the reliever I bring in misses his spots and gives up three consecutive hits without recording an out and I visit the mound, should I replace him?
Yoda: Miss your spots and give up 3 consecutive hits, shame on you. Miss your spots and give up 4 consecutive hits, shame on me.
Padawan: If I let the first reliever give up the fourth consecutive hit, and the Dark Side has runners on second and third with nobody out, should I bring in a reliever who has one of the highest strikeout rates of all time, or a reliever who strikes out hitters at a less than average clip?
Yoda: Use the Force. Search your feelings. Make sure your feelings tell you to bring in a high strikeout reliever.
Padawan: If I bring in the wrong reliever who gives up ground ball contact, should I bring my infield in, or play back?
Yoda: I fear the Dark Side of the Force already clouds your judgement. Bring the infield in.
Padawan: Thank you for your wisdom Yoda. If I learn the ways of the Force and the Analytics, and learn how to manage my bullpen, when to pull a reliever, and how to play my infield defense, will I be as great a manager as you?
Yoda: Manager World Champion you will be called.
Padawan: What if I never learn when to get guys up, who to bring in when, or where to play my defense?
Yoda: Aaron Boone you will be called.
A baseball fan since Willie Randolph’s rookie season, Carl writes for the IBWAA daily newsletter and has published articles on HardballTimes, Fangraphs, MetsmerizedOnline, and previously contributed to Spreading the News. Carl can be reached on Twitter @AridasCarl