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The Complete Yankees Organization Player List: 2021

by James Vleitstra

October 16, 2021


Editor’s Note: This was such a long and well-researched article that ran on October 16. We decided to repost it in case any readers missed it the first time . This article can also be found in the “Popular Posts” tab above.


Throughout the year, Major League Baseball teams utilize a 26-man active team, comprised of players from an expanded 40-man roster. The entire organization has have several hundred more players in the minors with the dream of one day making it to the MLB. During the 2021 season the Yankees employed a total of 375 players , 59 of which played for the Bronx squad.

There is a constant shuffling of players within an organization. Players being added and subtracted. Injuries and promotions also are a big factor in player movements.

Throughout a year, here is a list of dates that have the biggest impact of personnel to an organization. For every added player, a different player needs to be removed.

Free Agency basically begins when the World Series ends (late October/early November)

November 19 is deadline to add players to the 40-man roster.

December 1 is non-tender deadline.

December 9 is the Rule 5 draft at the conclusion of the Winter Meetings.

January 15 is the beginning of the International Free Agent season.

June 20(+/-) is the rule 4 amateur draft.

July 31 is the trade deadline, whether buyers or sellers.

In order to allow players a chance for advancement, the Rule 5 draft and Minor League free agency has been implemented. Players that are not on the 40-man roster are eligible for the Rule 5 Draft five years after signing if they are 18 or younger on June 5th of the year that they signed. If the player signed as a 19 year old or older on June 5th, he’s eligible on the fourth Rule 5 draft. Last year, among the players that the Yankees lost were Garrett Whitlock, Trevor Stephan, Kaleb Ort, Gustavo Campero, and Ben Ruta.

A player is eligible to become a minor league free agent after playing in the minors for 6 years. Injuries could effect when a player is eligible.

Once a player is on the 40-man roster, there’s typically 3 years of “options “ which the team can send you to the minors at any point. Although there must be a loophole in this one because the Yankees sent several players to the minors this year that should not have had options remaining.

Typically once a player reaches the Majors, they are under team control for 6 years. The first three as pre-arbitration players that are usually signed at or close to the league minimum. The next three are arbitration years which are when the player finally makes substantial earnings. However, most teams manipulate a player’s service time by sending them to the minors to keep them under team control for as long as possible.

Usually once a player is added to the 40-man roster, he can not be removed without passing through waivers. However, this year this was not necessarily the case. If a player on the 40-man was placed on the covid list, he could be temporarily replaced by someone not on the 40-man and then removed and returned without passing through waivers.


table.tableizer-table { font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #CCC; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #104E8B; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; }2021 Yankees Organization Information NameBirthday Acquired YearRoundFromPosition Level40-ManNot NYYOptions Rule 5MiLB FAPre-ArbArbitration Free Agent MLB PipelineAlbert Abreu9/26/1995Trade2016 AstrosRHP MLBYes 4 20252027 Blane Abeyta 9/4/1998UDFA2020 UNRHP A-No 20232027 Gerardo Abrego4/16/2001IFA 2019 Panama RHP DSL No 20232026 Jake Agnos 5/23/1998Draft 20194ECULHP A-No 20222026 Clay Aguilar3/26/1999UDFA2020 HULHP A-No 20232027 Robert Ahlstrom6/19/1999Draft 20217Oregon LHP FCL No 20242028 Kevin Alcantara 7/12/2002IFA 2018 DROFFCL NoTraded 20222025 Cubs 16Evan Alexander 2/26/1998Draft 201619HSOFAANo Yes 2023 Ricardo Alfaro11/27/2001IFA 2019 PanamaRHP DSLNo 20232026 Greg Allen 3/15/1993Trade2021 PadresOFMLBYes 20222025 Ramiro Altagracia1/18/2004IFA 2021 DROFDSL No 20252028 Armando Alvarez 7/14/1994Draft 201617EKU3BAAA No Yes 2023 Nelson Alvarez 6/11/1998Draft 201913USFRHP A+No 20222026 Trey Amburgey 10/24/1994Draft 201513SPCOFMLBYes Yes Reid Anderson 9/6/1995Draft 201840Brown RHP A+No Yes2025 Ryan Anderson 9/9/1998Draft 201912NevadaLHP FCL No 20222026 Miguel Andujar3/2/1995IFA 2011 DR3BMLBYes 20222025 Jeison Anillo2/16/2002IFA 2019 Colombia2BDSLNoReleased 20232026 Kevin Aparicio1/6/2003IFA 2021 PanamaRHPDSLNo 20252028 Luis Arejula2/20/2002IFA 2021 VeneRHPDSLNo 20252028 Brian Arias11/18/2003Ifa2021 DRRHP DSL No 20252028 Daury Arias8/7/2001IFA 2019 DROFDSLNo 20232026 Cole Ayers 8/17/1999Draft 202116Florida stateRHP FCL No 20242028 Edgar Barclay 5/25/1998Draft 201915Cal StLHP A+No 20222026 Kyle Barraclough 5/23/1990Free Agent 2021 PadresRHP AAA NoReleased Yes Wilser Barrios3/21/1998IFA 2017 VeneRHP DSL No Yes 2024 Jesus Bastidas9/14/1998IFA 2015 VeneSSAANo Yes Kyle Battle 12/4/1997UDFA 2021 ODUOFFCL No 20242028 Brendan Beck10/6/1998Draft 20212StanfordRHP FCL No 20242028 14Chad Bell3/4/1997Draft 201919ULA1BAANo 20222026 Lester Beltran1/28/2000IFA 2019 CubaLHP DSL No 20232026 Michael Beltre 7/3/1995Free Agent 2020 RedsOFAANo Yes Angel Benitez9/10/2003IFA 2021 DRRHP DSL No 20252028 Gabriel Bersing10/17/2002IFA 2019 Vene1BDSL No 20232026 Daniel Bies4/9/1996Draft 20187Gonz RHP A+No Yes 2025 Bryan Blanton12/19/1995Draft 201721UNCRHP A-No Yes 2024 Mauro Bonifacio8/31/2001IFA 2018 DROFDSL No 20222025 Ernesto Borges5/17/2001IFA 2019 Mexico RHP DSL No 20232026 Cooper Bowman 1/25/2000Draft 20214UL2BA-No 20242028 30Matt Bowman 5/31/1991Free Agent 2020 RedsRHP AANo Yes Sean Boyle 10/29/1996Draft 201825Dal BapRHP AANo Yes 2025 Rob Brantly 7/14/1989Free Agent 2020 GiantsCMLB Yes Yes 20222025 Josh Breaux 10/7/1997Draft 20182MCCCCAANo Yes 2025 18Braden Bristo 11/1/1994Draft 201623LaTechRHP AAA No Yes 2023 Jhony Brito 2/17/1998IFA 2015 DRRHP AANo Yes Socrates Brito9/6/1992Free Agent 2021 Pirates OFAAA No Yes Yes 20232026 Zack Britton 12/22/1987Free Agent 2019 Orioles LHP MLB Yes 2022 Blakely Brown 8/20/1996Draft 201824GeorgiaSRHP FCL No Yes2025 Jay Bruce4/3/1987Free Agent 2021(1-2005)Phillies 1BMLB NoRetired Max Burt8/28/1996Draft 201828NEU3BAANo Yes 2025 Antonio Cabello11/1/2000IFA 2017 VeneCFCL NoTraded Yes 2014 Marcos Cabrera 10/10/2001IFA 2018 DR3BFCL No 20222025 Oswaldo Cabrera 3/1/1999IFA 2015 Vene2BAANo Yes 16Daniel Calderon10/13/1997IFA 2016 DRLHP DSL No Yes 2023 Yorlin Calderon10/17/2001IFA 2018 DRRHP DSL No 20222025 Kevyn Camacho3/9/2002IFA 2018 VeneCDSL No 20222025 Connor Cannon5/16/1998Trade2021 Giants 1BFCL No 20222026 Juan Carela12/15/2001IFA 2018 DRRHP A-No 20222025 Blas Castano9/8/1998IFA 2018 DRRHP A-No 20222025 Enger Castellano 12/2/2002IFA 2019 DR3BDSL No 20232026 Darwin Castillo 2/26/2003IFA 2019 VeneSSDSL No 20232026 Diego Castillo 10/28/1997IFA 2014 Vene2BAANoTraded Yes Ruben Castillo 6/18/2001IFA 2019 VeneRHP DSL No 20232026 Yon Castro5/23/1999IFA 2018 DRRHP FCL No 20222025 Luis Cessa8/25/1992Trade 2015 TigersRHP MLB YesTraded 20222024 Jhoulys Chacin1/7/1988Free Agent 2021 BravesRHP AAANoReleased Yes Jose Chambucco6/28/2002IFA 2018 VeneRHP DSL No 20222025 Chandler Champlain7/23/1999Draft 20219USCRHP FCL No 20242028 Andres Chaparro 5/4/1999IFA 2015 Vene3BA+No Yes Aroldis Chapman 2/28/1988Free Agent 2016 RedsLHP MLB Yes 2023 Roberto Chirinos 9/8/2000IFA 2017 VeneSSA-No Yes 2024 Robinson Chirinos 6/5/1984Free Agent 2021 MetsCAAANoReleased Yes Gerrit Cole 9/8/1990Free Agent 2019(1-2008,2011) RHP MLB Yes 2029 Carson Coleman 4/7/1998UDFA 2020 UKRHP A-No 20232027 Jose Colmenares4/3/2002IFA 2018 Vene 2BFCL No 20222025 Roansy Contreras11/7/1999IFA 2016 DRRHP AAYesTraded Yes 2023 Prates 6Diego Cordero10/21/1999IFA 2016 Vene RHP DSL No Yes 2023 Franklin Corniel10/8/2001IFA 2019 DRRHP DSL No 20232026 Nelvin Correa 1/25/1997IFA 2016 DRRHP A+No Yes 2023 Nestor Cortes Jr12/10/1994Free Agent 2021 Mariners LHP MLB Yes Yes 20232026 Harold Cortijo9/29/1998Draft 201714RBHSRHP A-No Yes 2024 Kaleb Cowart 6/2/1992Free Agent 2019(1-2010)Angels3BA+No Yes Benjamin Cowles2/15/2000Draft 202110MUSSA-No 20242028 Derek Craft7/11/1996Draft 201816UTSARHP A+No Yes 2025 Juan Crisp5/23/2000IFA 2018 Panama CFCL No 20222025 Keegan Curtis 9/30/1995Draft 201822WpDHSRHP AAANoTraded Yes 2025 Diamondbacks 28Frederick Cuevas 10/27/1997IFA 2014 DROFA+No Yes Jonathan Davis 5/12/1992Free Agent 2021 Blue Jays OFAAA Yes Yes Bailey Dees2/5/1999Draft 202118Penn StRHP FCL No 20242028 Juan DeLeon9/13/1997IFA 2014 DROFA-No Yes Kellin Deglan 5/3/1992Free Agent 2020(1-2010)RangersCAAANoTraded Yes Keiner Delgado1/5/2004IFA 2021 VeneSSDSL No 20252028 Pat DeMarco3/10/1998Draft 201917Vandy OFA+No 20222026 Pedro Diaz11/6/1997IFA 2017 PR1BA-No Yes 2024 Wellington Diaz4/25/1997IFA 2017 DRRHP A-No Yes 2024 Yoljeldriz Diaz7/14/2001IFA 2018 VeneRHP FCL No 20222025 Derek Dietrich 7/18/1989Free Agent 2021 Rangers2BAAA NoReleased Yes Jasson Dominguez 2/7/2003IFA 2019 DROFA-No 20232026 2Elijah Dunham 5/29/1998UDDA2020 IUOFA+ 20232027 24Oliver Dunn 9/2/1997Draft 201911UU(SLC)2BAANo 20222026 Edinson Duran7/22/2002IFA 2021 Vene1BDSL No 20252028 Ezequiel Duran 5/22/1999IFA 2017 DR2BA+NoTraded Yes 2024 Rangers 7 Nick Ernst 8/27/1996Draft 201915Miami RHP AANo 20222026 Brenny Escanio12/16/2002Trade 2019 BrewersSSDSL No 20232026 Maikol Escotto6/4/2002IFA 2018 DRSSA-NoTraded 20222025 Pirates 20Carlos Espinal 10/21/1996IFA 2015 DRRHP A+No Yes Juan Espana2/19/2002IFA 2019 Columbia RHP DSL No 20232026 Kelvin Espino12/8/2001IFA 2018 DROFDSL No 20222025 Thairo Estrada2/22/1996IFA 2012 Vene SSMLB NoTraded Yes Allen Facundo9/3/2002IFA 2021 Vene LHP DSL No 20252028 Christopher Familia6/10/2000IFA 2018 DROFDSL No 20222025 Johan Ferreira IFA 2021 DR3BDSL No 20252028 Richard Fitts12/17/1999Draft 20216Auburn RHP FCL No 20242028 Osmany Fleitas1/7/2002IFA 2020 CubaSSDSL No 20242027 Estevan Florial 11/25/1997IFA 2015 DROFAAAYes Yes 2024202721Mike Ford7/4/1992UDFA 2013 1BAAANoTraded Yes Clint Frazier 9/6/1994Trade 2016(1-2013)Indians OFMLB Yes 20222025 Steven Fulgencio10/5/2000IFA 2018 DRRHP DSL No 20222025 Ocean Gabonia7/31/2001UDFA 2020 RHP FCL No 20232027 Kevin Gadea12/6/1994Free Agent 2020 RaysRHP AANo Yes Joey Gallo11/19/1993Trade 2021(1-2012)Rangers OFMLB Yes Yes 2023 Alex Garcia 12/8/2001IFA 2018 DR2BDSL No 20222025 Alfredo Garcia 7/22/1999Trade2019 Rockies LHP A-No Yes 2023 Anthony Garcia 9/5/2000IFA 2017 DROFFCL No Yes 2024 Deivi Garcia 5/19/1999IFA 2015 DRRHP AAAYes 2 Yes 2024202711Dermis Garcia 1/7/1998IFA 2014 DR1BAANo Yes Donys Garcia 2/18/2001IFA 2019 Vene RHP DSL No 20232026 Luis Garcia 1/30/1987Free Agent 2020 Rangers RHP AAA NoReleased Yes Nicolas Garcia 6/15/2001IFA 2018 DRCDSL No 20222025 Wilkerman Garcia 4/1/1998IFA 2014 Vene SSA+No Yes Brett Gardner 8/24/1983Free Agent 2021 OFMLB Yes 2022 Mickey Gasper10/11/1995Draft 201827BUCAANo Yes 2025 Domingo German 8/4/1992Trade2014 MarlinsRHPMLB Yes 20222025 Frank German 9/22/1997Draft 20184N Florida RHP AANoTraded Yes 2025 Michael Giacone 10/23/1996Draft 201928USCLHP A-No 20222026 Luis Gil 6/3/1998Trade 2017 TwinsRHP MLB Yes 2 Yes 4Isiah Gilliam 7/23/1996Draft 201520CCOFAANo Yes Chris Gittens 2/4/1994Draft 201412HS1BAAA Yes 1 Yes Alejandro Gomez8/3/2002IFA 2021 Mexico RHP DSL No 20252028 Antonio Gomez 11/13/2001IFA 2018 Vene CA-No 20222025 25Carlos Gomez 6/14/1998IFA 2018 DRRHP A-No 20222025 Ismael Gomez12/9/1999IFA 2018 Vene RHP FCL No 20222025 Michael Gomez 8/15/1996Free Agent 2021 Phillies RHP AANo Yes 2025 Nelson Gomez10/8/1997IFA 2014 DR3BFCL No Yes Yoendrys Gomez 10/15/1999IFA 2016 VeneRHP A-Yes 1 Yes 10Josue Gonzalez 10/30/2003IFA 2021 Vene CDSL No 20252028 Nick Goody7/6/1991Free Agent 2021 Nationals RHP AAANo Yes Kyle Gray3/25/1997Draft 201914WVU2BA+No 20222026 Chad Green 5/24/1991Trade2015 TigersRHP MLB Yes 20222023 Nick Green3/25/1995Trade 2016 RangersRHP AAA No Yes Ryder Green5/5/2000Draft 20183KHSOFFCL No 20222025 26Zach Greene 8/29/1996Draft 20198SAURHP AANo 20222026 Alex Guerrero 3/10/2000Draft 201818EHS1BFCL No 20222025 Daniel Guerrero 1/26/2004IFA 2021 DRRHP DSL No 20252028 Jose Guzman12/26/2001IFA 2019 Vene RHP DSL No 20232026 Sean Hard9/20/2002Draft 202120St Joe HSRHP HSNo Did not sign Tyler Hardman1/27/1999Draft 20215OU1BA-No 20242028 Trevor Hauver 11/20/1998Draft 20203ASU2BA-NoTraded Rangers 13Andrew Heaney6/5/1991Trade 2021(1-2012)AngelsLHP MLB YesElected FA Yes Nolberto Henriquez10/16/1999IFA 2018 DRRHP DSL No 20222025 Spencer Henson 11/3/1997Draft 20199ORU1BA-No 20222026 Sean Hermann6/13/2003Draft 202114Durant HSRHP FCL No 20252028 Franyer Hernandez 2/1/2001IFA 2018 Vene RHP DSL No 20222025 Kyle Higashioka 4/20/1990Draft 20087HSCMLB Yes 20222025 Kyle Holder5/25/1994Draft 20151San Diego SSAAA No Yes Clay Holmes3/27/1993Trade2021 Pirates RHP MLB Yes Trevor Holloway 6/22/1997UDFA 2020 UCFRHP A+No 20232027 Rodney Hutchison8/9/1996Draft 20186UNCRHP A-No 20222025 Chase Illig9/14/1996Draft 201929WVUCAAANo 20222026 Jhon Imbert9/1/2003IFA 2021 DRSSDSLNo 20252028 Robert Javier2/1/1999IFA 2017 DROFAANoReleased Yes 2024 Aaron Judge 4/26/1992Draft 20131Cal StOFMLB Yes 20222023 Janson Junk 1/15/1996Draft 201722Seattle RHP MLB NoTraded Yes 2024 Angels 22 Dominic Keegan 8/1/2000Draft202119Vandy1BCollege NoDid not sign Ben Keizer8/28/1997UDFA 2020 UMLHP A-No 20232027 Brian Keller 6/21/1994Draft201639Wis-MilRHP AAANo Yes 2023 Michael King5/25/1995Trade 2017 Marlins RHP MLB Yes 0 20232026 Corey Kluber 4/10/1986Free Agent 2021 Rangers RHP MLB Yes Yes D’Vaughn Knowles1/16/2001IFA 2018 Bahamas OFFCL No 20222025 Brody Koerner 10/17/1993Draft201517ClemsonRHP AAAYes Yes Zach Kohn9/30/1997Draft201921UCMRHP A-No 20222026 Brooks Kriske 2/3/1994Draft20166USCRHP MLB YesReleased Yes 20242027 Matt Krook 10/21/1994Rule 52020 RaysLHP AAANo Yes 2023 Henry LaLane5/18/2004IFA 2021 BronxLHP DSL No 20252028 Ryan LaMarre11/21/1988Free Agent 2020 CubsOFAAANo Yes Trevor Lane4/26/1994Draft 201610Illinois LHP AAANo Yes 2023 Rafael Lara6/10/1995IFA 2015 DRRHP FCL No Yes Denny Larrondo5/31/2002IFA 2018 CubaRHP FCL No 20222025 Jose Ledesma4/10/2003IFA 2021 DRLHP DSL No 20252028 DJ LeMahieu7/13/1988Free Agent 2021 Rockies 2BMLB Yes 2027 Jarod Lessar6/22/1998UDFA 2020 BYURHP FCL No 20232027 Tim Locastro7/14/1992Trade 2021 Diamondbacks OFMLB Yes 20222025 Jonathan Loasiga 11/2/1994Free Agent 2016 Giants RHP MLB Yes 20222025 Brandon Lockridge3/14/1997Draft 20185TroyOFAANo Yes 2025 19Jason Lopez3/16/1998IFA 2014 Vene CAANo Yes Barrett Loseke11/12/1996Draft 201817ArkRHP AaNo Yes 2025 Lucas Luetge3/24/1987Free Agent 2021 A’sRHP MLB Yes 20222025 Tyler Lyons2/21/1988Free Agent 2021 Indians LHP AAANo Yes Kyle MacDonald6/17/1996Draft201927Arkansas 1BA-NoReleased 20222026 Josh Maciejewski8/14/1995Draft201810CharlLHP A+No Yes 2025 Ron Marinaccio7/1/1995Draft201719Delaware RHP AAA No Yes 2024 Deurys Marte6/25/1999IFA 2018 DRRHP FCL No 20222025 Miguel Marte5/26/2001IFA 2017 DRSSFCL No Yes 2024 Jose Martinez1/28/1999IFA 2017 DR3BFCL No Yes 2024 Nolan Martinez 6/30/1998Draft20163CCHSRHP A-No Yes 2023 Omar Martinez 7/5/2001IFA 2018 Vene CDSL No 20222025 Thowar Martinez3/29/1998IFA 2018 Vene RHP DSL NoReleased 20222025 John Mazza 2/14/1995UDFA 2019 Northeast CFCL No 20222026 Reggie McClain 11/16/1992Rule 52020 Phillies RHP AAA No Yes Aaron McGarity1/31/1995Draft201715VTRHP A+No Yes 2024 Max McDowell1/12/1994Free Agent 2020 BrewersCAAA No Yes Shaine McNeely5/10/1998Draft201916UHIRHP A-No 20222026 Luis Medina 5/3/1999IFA 2015 DRRHP AAYes Yes 8Nelson Medina 9/14/2000IFA 2017 DROFDSL No Yes 2024 Alan Mejia7/20/2001IFA 2018 DROFDSL No 20222025 Renso Mejia3/6/2000IFA 2018 DRRHP FCL No 20222025 Joel Mendez1/28/2003IFA 2019 DROFDSL No 20232026 Jordarlin Mendoza11/14/2003IFA 2021 DRRHP DSL No 20252028 Zach Messinger10/4/1999Draft202113Virginia RHP FCL No 20242028 Kevin Milam 2/13/1998Draft201914St Mary’s RHP FCL No 20222026 Thomas Milone 1/26/1995Free Agent 2020 RaysOFAANo Yes Matt Minnick3/11/1996Draft201923MercyhuLHP A+No 20222026 Jordan Montgomery 12/27/1992Draft20144S. Carolina LHP MLB Yes 20222024 Mike Montgomery 7/1/1989Free Agent 2021(1-2008)MetsLHP AAA NoReleased Yes Kenlly Montas5/31/1996IFA 2015 DRRHP A-No Yes Fidel Montero 12/19/2003IFA 2021 DROFDSL No 20252028 29Hans Montero12/25/2003IFA 2021 DR2BDSL No 20252028 Willy Montero8/4/2004IFA 2021 DROFDSL No 20252028 Anderson Munoz 8/4/1998Free Agent2018 2018 TwinsRHP A+No Yes 2024 Jhonatan Munoz 8/10/1999IFA 2015 Vene RHP A-No Yes Tanner Myatt5/21/1998Draft201811FDTRHP A-No Yes 2025 Carlos Narvaez 11/26/1998IFA 2015 Vene CA+No Yes Jack Neely6/5/2000Draft 202111Ohio stRHP A-No 20242028 Felix Negueis12/29/2000IFA 2018 DROFDSL No 20222025 James Nelson 10/18/1997Trade 2020 Marlins 3BA+No Yes 2023 Nick Nelson 12/5/1995Draft 20164GCSCRHP MLB Yes 2 20242027 Justin O’Conner3/31/1992Free Agent 2019(1-2010)White SoxRHP A+No Yes Darren O’Day11/22/1982Free Agent 2021 Braves RHP MLB Yes 2022 Rougned Odor2/3/1994Trade 2021 Rangers 2BMLB Yes 2023 Pablo Olivares1/27/1998IFA 2014 Vene OFA+No Yes Riordan Oropeza1/12/2002IFA 2019 Vene RHP DSL No 20232026 Jio Orozco8/15/1997Trade 2016 MarinersRHP A+No Yes Adam Ottavino11/22/1985Free Agent 2019(1-2006)Rockies RHP MLB NoTraded Glenn Otto 3/11/1996Draft 20175RiceRHP MLB NoTraded Yes 2024 Rangers 24 Nick Paciorek6/1/1998Draft 20197NWURHP A-No 20222026 Manuel Palencia9/5/2002IFA 2019 Vene CDSL No 20232026 Aaron Palensky 9/22/1998UDFA 2020 Neb OFAANo 20232027 Josue Panacual1/13/2002IFA 2018 Vene RHP A-No 20222025 Edward Paredes1/7/1999IFA 2015 Vene RHP FCL No Yes Hoy Park 4/7/1996IFA 2014 S KoreaSSMLB NoTraded Yes Jason Parker10/27/1997Trade 2021 RedsRHP A-No 20222026 Isaiah Pasteur 6/19/1996Draft 201813GWOFA+NoReleased Yes 2025 Elvis Peguero 3/20/1997IFA 2015 DRRHP AAA NoTraded Yes Angels 23Geremias Peguero2/7/2000IFA 2018 DRLHP DSL No 20222025 Connor Pellerin 7/2/1999UDFA 2020 TURHP A-No 20232027 Jan Pena6/15/2000IFA 2019 DRRHP DSL No 20233026 Wandy Peralta7/27/1991Trade 2021 GiantsLHP MLB Yes 20222024 Oswald Peraza 6/15/2000IFA 2016 VeneSSAAYes Yes 3Everson Pereira 4/10/2001IFA 2017 VeneOFA+No Yes 2024 13Cristian Perez10/26/1998Trade 2019 Royals SSAAANo Yes Dayro Perez1/31/2002IFA 2018 DRSSDSL No 20222025 Freicer Perez3/14/1996IFA 2015 DRRHP A+No Yes Michael Perez9/18/2003IFA 2021 DRLHP DSL No 20252028 Starling Perez9/2/2000IFA 2018 DRRHP FCL No 20222025 Sebastian Perrone 4/8/2000IFA 2019 Vene RHP DSL No 20232026 Leonardo Pestana7/30/1998IFA 2018 VeneRHP FCL No 20222025 Yordi Pichardo7/12/2002IFA 2019 DRRHP DSL No 20232026 Matt Pita4/21/1997Draft 201812VMI2BAAA No Yes 2025 Edwar Polimir11/5/2000IFA 2021 DRLHP DSL No 20252028 Miguel Pozo9/9/2001IFA 2019 DRLHP DSL No 20232026 Jake Pries10/11/1996Draft 201924UCLAOFFCL No 20222026 Agustin Ramirez 9/10/2001IFA 2018 DRCFCL No 20222025 Javier Reynoso 7/27/2000Draft 201933A David HSSSFCL No 20232026 Ben Rice2/22/1999Draft 202112DUCA-No 20242028 Grant Richardson7/13/1999Draft 202117IndianaOFFCL No 20242028 Stephen Ridings 8/14/1995Free Agent 2021 Royals RHP AAAYes Yes Anthony Rizzo 8/8/1989Trade 2021 Cubs1BMLB Yes Yes Jesus Rodriguez 4/23/2002IFA 2018 Vene CDSL No 20222025 Joely Rodriguez 11/14/1991Trade 2021 Rangers LHP MLB Yes Yes 2026 Jhoiner Rodriguez 9/12/1999IFA 2017 Vene CFCL NoReleased Yes 2024 Meure Rodriguez 5/20/1999IFA 2015 Vene CFCL NoReleased Yes Nicio Rodriguez 9/3/1999IFA 2018 DRRHP A-No 20222025 Osiel Rodriguez 11/22/2001IFA 2018 CubaRHP FCL No 20222025 Pedro Rodriguez 8/11/2002IFA 2019 Vene LHP DSL No 20222026 Angel Rojas11/26/2000IFA 2018 DRSSFCL No 20222025 Ronny Rojas 8/23/2001IFA 2017 DRSSDSL No Yes 2024 Sal Romano10/12/1993Free Agent 2021 Brewers RHP AAANo Yes Juan Rosa11/18/2002IFA 2021 DROFDSL No 20252028 Carlos Rosario6/26/2000IFA 2019 DRRHP DSL No 20232026 Hemmanuel Rosario8/21/2000IFA 2017 PRCFCL No Yes 2024 Stanley Rosario 12/1/2000IFA 2017 DROFFCL No Yes 2024 Charlie Ruegger 7/14/1997Draft 201833SITRHP A+No Yes 2025 Yarison Ruiz3/26/2000IFA 2020 DRRHP FCL No 20242027 Addison Russ10/29/1994Trade 2020 Phillies RHP AANo Yes 2024 Daniel Salas2/16/2003IFA 2019 Vene RHP DSL No 20232026 Raimfer Salinas 12/31/2000IFA 2017 Vene OFFCL No Yes 2024 Aldenis Sanchez 9/26/1998Trade 2021 RaysOFA-No Yes 2023 Brandom Sanchez 2/17/2000IFA 2018 DRLHP FCL No 20222025 Gary Sanchez 12/2/1992IFA 2009 DRCMLB Yes 20222023 Juan Sanchez ???IFA 2021 ???CDSL No 20252028 Donny Sands 5/16/1996Draft 20158SalpointHSCAAA No Yes 28Jake Sanford 10/24/1997Draft 20193WKUOFA+No 20222026 23Enrique Santana9/23/1997FA2021 Pirates RHPA-No 20222025 Geralmi Santana 12/7/2000IFA 2019 DRRHP DSL No 20232026 Luis Santos 1/4/2000IFA 2017 Mexico SSA+No Yes 2024 Madison Santos 9/6/1999IFA 2018 DROFA-No 20222025 Matt Sauer1/21/1999Draft 20172SMHSRHPA+No Yes 2024 27Clarke Schmidt2/20/1996Draft 2017I S Carolina RHP MLB Yes Yes 20275JP Sears2/19/1996Trade 2017 Mariners LHP AAANo Yes 2024 Anthony Seigler 6/20/1999Draft 20181CVHSCA+No 20222025 Brock Selvidge8/28/2002Draft 20213Hamilton HSLHP FCL No 20252028 17Montana Semmel 1/1/2002Draft 201936WHHSRHPA-No 20232026 Shawn Semple 10/9/1995Draft 201711NOURHPAANo Yes 2024 Steven Sensley9/6/1995Draft 201712Louisiana 1BA+NoReleased Yes 2024 Jared Serna6/1/2002IFA 2019 Mexico 2BDSL No 20232026 Luis Serna7/20/2004IFA 2021 Mexico RHP DSL No 20252028 Felixander Severino 6/28/2000IFA 2019 DROFDSL NoReleased 20232026 Luis Severino 2/20/1994IFA 2012 DRRHP MLB Yes TJ Sikkema 7/25/1998Draft 20191MizzLHP A-No 20222026 Oscar Silverio 10/25/2001IFA 2019 DRCDSL No 20232026 Canaan Smith 4/30/1999Draft 20174Rockwall OFAAA NoTraded Yes 2024 Pirates 27Josh Smith 8/7/1997Draft 20192Louisiana 2BAANoTraded 20222026 Rangers 6Sincere Smith3/13/2000Draft 201832ClarktonSSFCL No 20222025 Yordanny Sosa10/12/2001IFA 2018 DRRHP DSL No 20222025 David Sosebee8/25/1993Draft 201528Georgia RHPAAA No Yes Mitch Spence5/6/1999Draft 201910USCARHPA+No 20222026 Giancarlo Stanton 11/8/1989Trade 2017 Marlins OFMLB Yes 2028 Calvin Starnes4/7/1999UDFA 2021 PurdueRHP FCL No 20242028 Josh Stowers2/25/1997Trade 2019 Mariners OFAANoTraded Yes 2025 Christian Sumoza11/18/2000IFA 2018 Vene RHP FCL No 20222025 Trey Sweeney4/24/2000Draft 20211EIUSSA-No 20242028 7 Mike Tauchman 12/3/1990Trade 2019 Rockies OFAAANoTraded Yes Jameson Taillon 11/18/1991Trade 2021(2010-1)PiratesRHP MLB Yes 20222023 Eduardo Torrealba3/26/1999Free Agent 2016 Red Sox SSA+No Yes 2023 Gleyber Torres 12/13/1996Trade2016 CubsSSMLB Yes 20222025 Miguel Torres3/3/2000IFA 2016 Vene CDSL No Yes 2023 Saul Torres 2/19/1999IFA 2016 DRCA+No Yes 2023 Brian Trieglaff6/13/1994Draft 201613TCURHP A+No Yes 2023 Luis Urbano10/1/2002IFA 2019 Vene LHP DSL No 20232026 Gio Urshela 10/11/1991Trade2018 Blue Jays3BMLB Yes 20222024 Jefry Valdez 8/20/1995Trade 2018 RockiesRHP AANo Yes Anthony Valenzuela 6/16/2001IFA 2018 DROFDSL NoReleased 20222025 Dionys Vallejo 5/25/2000IFA 2018 DRSSFCL No 20222025 Gerrit van Zijil8/2/1996Draft 201922ACCCLHP A-No 20222026 Alexander Vargas 10/29/2001IFA 2018 CubaSSFCL No 20222025 12Miguel Vargas2/22/2001IFA 2018 Vene LHP DSL No 20222025 Sergio Vargas 6/16/2002IFA 2018 DRSSDSL NoReleased 20222025 Randy Vasquez 11/3/1998IFA 2018 DRRHP AANo 20222025 20Alfred Vega1/19/2001IFA 2017 DRRHP FCL No Yes 2024 Luis Velasquez 7/1/2001IFA 2019 DRRHP FCL No 20232026 Andrew Velazquez 7/14/1994Free Agent 2021 Orioles SSAAAYes 20232026 Carlos Verdecia3/16/2002IFA 2018 CubaSSDSL No 20222025 Fran Visamon3/3/2002IFA 2021 Vene RHP DSL No 20252028 Alexander Vizcaino 5/22/1997IFA 2016 DRRHP A+Yes Traded 1 Yes Cubs 19Luke Voit 2/13/1991Trade 2018 Cardinals 1BMLB Yes 20222025 Evan Voliva6/10/1996Draft 201918ECURHP A-No 20222026 Anthony Volpe 4/28/2001Draft 20191DHSSSA+No 20232026 1Mick Vorhof9/7/1995Draft 20189GCURHP A+No Yes 2025 Tyler Wade11/23/1994Draft 20134HSUtility MLB Yes 4 20222025 Eric Wagaman 8/14/1997Draft 201713OCCC1BA+No Yes 2024 Brandon Wagner 8/24/1995Draft 20156HowardJC1BAAA No Yes Ken Waldichuk 1/8/1998Draft 20195StMarysLHP AANo 20222026 9Adam Warren 8/25/1987Free Agent 2019 PadresRHP AAA No Yes Will Warren 6/16/1999Draft 20218SE Louisiana RHP FCLNo 20242028 Danny Watson 10/6/2000Draft 202115VA CommonRHP A-No 20242028 Beck Way8/6/1999Draft 20204NWFSJCRHP A+No 20232027 22Austin Wells 7/12/1999Draft 20201AUCA+No 20232027 6Greg Weissert 2/4/1995Draft 201618FordhamRHP AAA No Yes 2023 Hayden Wesneski 12/5/1997Draft 20196SamHousRHP AANo 20222026 15Justin Wilson 8/18/1987Free Agent 2021 LHP MLB Yes Yes 2022 Justin Wilson 9/9/1996Draft 201823VandyRHP A+No Yes 2025 Asher Wojciechowski12/21/1988Free Agent 2021(1-2010)Orioles RHP AAA NoDFA Yes Miguel Yajure5/1/1998IFA 2015 Vene RHP MLB YesTraded Pirates 24Tyrone Yulie8/4/2001IFA 2018 DRRHP A-No Zack Zehner8/8/1992Draft 201518Cal PolyOFAAANoReleased Yes Kyle Zurak11/28/1994Draft 20178RadfordRHP A+No Yes 2024

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