by Paul Semendinger
October 20, 2023
Here is a fun story for a Friday afternoon.
Mickey Mantle's childhood home is for sale and you can buy in for just $7.00.
Well, sort of.
Before I get to the links to the story. I am thinking of an imaginary conversation between two baseball fans who also collect memorabilia:
Fan One: Hey, do have a Mickey Mantle baseball card?
Fan Two: Nope. I have something better.
One: His autograph?
Two: Nope. Even better.
One: A game used item, like a uniform or a bat or his glove?
Two: No. It's even better than that!
One: What is it?
Two: I own his childhood home.
Again, well, sort of. Or so it seems.
A memorabilia company, Rally, is going to belling shares of Mantle's home for only $7.00 each with the hopes that through joint ownership, the house can be made into a museum. They will be selling 47,000 shares. There are also bigger ideas associated with this, such as creating an Airbnd and/or a Little League field on the property as well.
Just a note, if you buy a piece of the home, according to Google Maps, Commerce, Oklahoma is about 19 hours away by car (from Yankee Stadium) just in case if you'd like to drive out to see your (part of the) property.
The big thing I'm thinking of is, "Who mows the lawn?" My goodness, that would be a long drive to have to mow 1/47,000th of the property.
"Honey, I'm going out to rake my leaf. See you in two days."
It's an interesting story if nothing else.
You can read more by following these links:
This story reminds me of old houses that are sold as investment properties. It is a great way to own a piece of history and ensure a profit. If you are thinking about the selling an old house, you may want to take care of something like this. Our company, which specializes in selling old properties, can help you profit from your investment.
who would not exchange mere money for a small piece of the True House?
Utterly ridiculous. The company wants to get their money back, it's as simple as that.